Sunday, June 17, 2012

Rumi 117

Multi-layered existence I know not, I know not
The magical artist of time I know not, I know not
Hardship, struggle, confusion, I am taught, I am taught
Congenial moodiness I know not, I know not

My soul is after joy
Entertainers will employ
This joy seeking existence I know not, I know not
This lion in me instills fear
The world is a herd of deer
This lion and herd of deer I know not, I know not

I hear the warning of a friend, "your foes conspire and plot"
Conspiracy, friend and foe I know not, I know not
Earth is wife, sky man, being their child is my lot
This man and wife and this child I know not, I know not

This hidden face, gorgeous lashes
The arched brow, eye that flashes
The moving brow and talking eye I know not, I know not
Powerful arm, the nimble bow,
Put in flight temporal arrow
Bow and arrow and arm and time I know not, I know not

Shams-e Tabrizi, to you I’m brought
With your hardness I am distraught
That shining gem, this hard rock, I know not, I know not.

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