Friday, July 13, 2012

Rumi 108

I was dead, became alive
Was tearful, laughingly thrive
With love survive, my only drive
    I have become eternal.

My eyes no longer seek
Am courageous, no more meek
Daring lion, far from weak
    Shine like Venus celestial.

Said, "madness is not thy code
You don’t deserve this abode."
With madness my life explode
    Chains before me break and fall.

"Intoxicated, thou art not
Art not from this divine cut."
I drank my senses out
    Joyously roamed in life’s hall.

"Thou art not yet slain
Joy runs not in thy vein."
Before life now I remain
    Slain, sacrificed and small.

"Thou art sly and cunning
Thy thoughts are wildly running."
My deception was stunning
    Then rejected the external.

Said, "Thou have been a candle light
Crowds focus upon thy sight."
Sight I am not, light without might
    Scattered smoke, wide and tall.

"Thou art guru and teacher
Thou art leader, head, preacher."
I am a mere creature
    Thy will is my only call.

"Thou have feathers, have taken wing
Feather and wing I did not bring."
In pursuit of flight of King
    Lost my feathers, now I crawl.

My beloved, old and fair
Said, "this story, me spare."
I agreed to not share
    Peaceful and eternal.

Thou art the sun’s source and spring
While to shade my body cling
Upon my head, hot rays sting
    I feel the heart infernal.

With light of my soul aglow
My heart opened with loving flow
Weaving a new cloth to show
    Against the tattered rags and all.

That divine face, at time of dawn
Many deceptions would spawn
Enslaved with a thorny crown
    Beloved upon throne install.

I, thy instrument, Thee praise
Thy infinite sweet phase
In my bosom came to raze
    And brought down my ignorant wall.

Praises Thee this drunken dust
Praise the stars and earth I must
Receive thy light with full trust
    From luminous orbiting ball.

The firmaments are in praise
Of lords, lands, angelic gaze
Gracefully love and amaze
    Compassionately, wisely, enthrall.

The wise praise the Lord well
Thus surpass all and excel
Upon the seven skies swell
    Give birth to light, maternal.

I am of Thee O famed moon,
Gazing at me do not swoon
Contagious joy in me bloom
    Laughs my every petal.

I was Venus, now am moon
Wallowing like a gloomy lune
Became Joseph very soon
    Pregnant with hope of renewal.

As if playing a game of chess
Make your call while speechless
King of the World my life will bless
    With a glance, existential.

From slavery to kingly might
From Venus to satellite
Was distant unknown point of light
    Am luminous orb of love, eternal!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Steadfastly Seek with Focus

Upon which path did I tread
So I return, all else I dread;
From Beloved being apart
In the creed of Love is being misled.
If I find another in the whole town
Ain’t but a sign pointing to the Beloved.
I said this is no easy path
In each step a thousand traps spread
O broken heart come not this way
Stay upon your own tender bed.
Seek that which increases the soul
Ask for the wine that lightens your head;
All else is shape and appearance
Fame and shame’s battle and wed.
Be silent, be seated, and be still
Drunken, with such wine break your bread.
O Pride of Spirit, Shams-e Tabriz
Enslaved to Thee my heart and soul instead.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Seeking Love and Grace

Lovers alas, lovers alas
Whoever sees that faceless face
Confusion in him amass
Desperation will embrace.

For beloved cross every pass
Worldly affairs slow their pace
A flowing brook amidst the grass
Flowing tears his face shall trace

His ego is shattered glass
Self-estranged, himself deface
Sense the Divine in spirit and mass
If he is truly seeking grace

Love can withstand molten brass
Gives his own soul in this chase
Through this trap lovingly pass
And find himself beside that face

With love himself will embarrass
Lost in time and in space
There’s no cure, potion, herb or grass
For one who’s lost his earthly base

And his prize, to reach that class
In this futile endless race
Until death too will come to pass
And move him to that place.

The love that hurts will never pass
It is a very special case
Transcendent love has its own class
The aching heart is wrapped in lace

Run out of sand many hourglass
Many a dream lost in space
If miracle shall come to pass
Every magic shall displace

There is no king and no palace
Facing that graceful faceless face
Brave lions cry out alas
Beside the dogs guarding that place.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

You are gone !!

Alas that now from our midst you are gone
In spite of the pain you resist, you are gone
Once the circle of friends you blissed
Now with the dust of ants and snakes blissed, you are gone.
What of all the knowledge you endlessly list
What of such mind, in the secret list you are gone.
What of the helping hand the once would assist
What of the feet that gardens assist, you are gone.
Gentle and kind, people you charmed and wist
Then earth’s dust your dust wist, you are gone.
Your sweet replies no more persist
No more tongue that can persist, you are gone.
Jealously repented, strove to desist
Pilgrim of death, from living itself desist, you are gone.
Whither to, can’t see your dust nor your mist
This bloody path, disappearing mist, you are gone.
Silent O heart, tongue shackles your soul’s wrist
What use the flames that turn and twist, you are gone.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I knocked on heart’s door, for heart I crave
Came, "who knocks?" I said, "heart’s slave!"
The bright beams of love shone through the door’s crack
Upon the passers by, and lit up that deep black
Wave upon wave of lovely beams, my heart was over-run
Compared to this bright light, were pale the moon and sun.
If the mind takes command, heart enslavement will demand
Will put a leash on mind and all, and hold the end in its hand.
This excitement in the world, serves only to agitate
And break loose every chain, for this joyous heartful state.
His body brings forth light, enthroned upon the seat of might
Soul at its door sits in delight, and reads much in that sight.
He is not a mendicant, who speaks little yet says much
Reflect upon reflections, see all that is while "nothing" watch.
All who have tasted this wine, are compelled to walk this line
Every one of stars nine, with heart’s design themselves align.
From Tabriz one such as Shams, arrives for seekers of divine
Nurtures in love’s vineyard, gardener of thy soul’s vine.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Rumi 155

O God, give the players sweetness and weal
And for the tabbla, give them hands of steel.
For their love, they sacrifice every limb
Of limbs O God, please give them a great deal.
These messengers of love filled our ears
Grant them seeing eyes and thy Royal Seal.
These lovebirds sing and cry out their love
Grace them with the patience that would heal.
In thy praise, they have filled many ears
You too praise their praise and their zeal.
They quenched the thirst of heart's flower
Let the full moon in their skies reel and wheel.
I am silent, please speak to me thy will
For they say you give thus, and thus steal.
O God, all I ask for in both worlds
Like Shams, let me shine, be and feel.